6 Things to Stop Believe about Eyelash Extensions
There are a lot of misconceptions when comes to eyelash extensions and its application process; there are lot of myths that comes when people do not understand the application fully, and they think that is a painful process, or that natural lashes will all fall out and cease to grow back ever again after application, or it takes forever to apply and I`m here to set the record straight.
We`ve tested the application process ourselves, using so many different products, and techniques and gather information along the years from lash extension specialist who applies more than five sets of extensions per day, to mythbust the misconceptions.
As eyelash technician, is your job to educate your clients, and set things straight, in case they consider getting them done by you! Read on most common client’s questions and misconceptions!
1 – Eyelashes will fall out after application?
First things first, your eyelashes fall out anyways. That is a natural process called “eyelash follicle growth cycle” You just don’t realize it because they’re small and fine, but our natural lashes fall out every four to six weeks just like the hairs on our head. Eyelash extensions only get a bad rap because it’s more noticeable to spot natural eyelashes that have shed when they’re glued to long, thick, synthetic, and solid black fibers (false eyelashes), and people don’t realize the natural lashes cycle is normal and not a result of eyelash extensions.
2 – Eyelashes will grow back again?
Your eyelashes will, in fact, grow back. Because of the “eyelash growth cycle”, new natural eyelashes are always growing in, hence why you get “fills.” “If new eyelashes weren’t always growing back, there would be nothing to fill,” In other words? If eyelash extensions really made your eyelashes cease growing, refills wouldn’t even be possible, because there has to be a natural lash for the extension to adhere to.
3 – Eyelash Extensions application Hurt?
Nothing about the application process hurts! It’s not a matter of tolerance levels; simply there is no pain involved in the eyelash extension process period!. If you are worried about someone using tweezers close to your eyes, you might feel anxiety, but pain is not part of the deal.
4 – After removing extensions your natural eyelashes will be thinner or shorter?
This is the true “getting eyelash extensions does not affect the natural growth cycle”. Many people feel that their natural lashes get thinner or shorter afterwards, not true though, it is just an optical illusion, you get used to the thicker, longer, curler lashes, once you remove than, what is left are your thin and short natural lashes.
5 – Should I take “rest” from eyelash extensions?
Many people think that you have to take breaks from getting extensions in order to let your natural lashes “rest.” The idea that it’s not good to get repeated extensions because your eyelashes need rest mere a myth. Eyelashes do not know that extensions are being applied to them, and they continue to shed off like normal, but doing application on premature lashes, can cause interruption on growth cycle or applying lashes that are too thick also cause interruption on growth cycle.
6 – How long the application takes?
It can take up to three hours if the technician you’re seeing is just starting out at eyelash extensions or is inexperienced and untrained. However professionals who fully specialize in eyelash extensions can perform a full set in about hour and twenty minutes to two hours in average, remembering experience will count, and it is not about the time, it is more about the results.
Beautiful lashes are possible for every woman, so long as you do your research to discover the best products to suit your needs. Knowledge is a fundamental key for great application. Knowing the products well and how to use each of them correctly are the basics for a smooth eyelash extension application procedure. It is also obvious to the client whether or not you know what you’re doing, so start educating your clients if you are not doing so.