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Eyelash Extensions Glue Patch Test

Eyelash Extensions Glue Patch Test

Eyelash Extensions Glue Patch Test

If you have been taught that there is no need to carry out a patch test prior to applying a set of Eyelash Extensions to a client for the first time in your salon, skipping this step would not be acceptable for any membership insurance in case the worse happens.

However, if you feel you would like to offer a patch test to your new client’s, there is no reason why you should not do this for your own peace of mind. This is recommended to do during the consultation, especially for those clients with sensitive eyes or any sort of allergies, this is to ensure there will be no further reaction once the eyelash extensions treatment is done.

What is an Eyelash Extensions Glue Patch Test?

Is a test carried out during eyelash extensions consultation to find out if a client have any sort of allergies that prevents the eyelash extensions application, There are 2 methods of doing patch test for Eyelash Extensions Glue, first one is applying 3 lashes on outer corner and second one is drop of glue on skin behind the ear.

Methods of doing Eyelash Extensions Glue Patch Test

We advise the eyelash technicians to use two separate types of eyelash extension Adhesive during the patch test, Level 1 (sensitive eyes) and Level 2 (medium / normal eyes).

Never use a Level 3 (Professional) on clients with any sort of allergies or sensitive eyes as these adhesives are very strong and will give an unwanted allergy reaction to your client’s eyes.

Methods one: Applying the lashes on outer corners:

  • To apply just three eyelash extensions at the outer corners of each eye same ways as applying the lashes, (Use the level 1 in one side and level 2 on the other) and allow 24 hours to see if any reaction was caused. If you adopt this method and the client has reacted to the stronger Adhesive (Level 2), but not the sensitive adhesive (Level 1), you may still be able to apply eyelash extensions to your client (at your own professional discretion, of course). We would also advise checking the terms of your insurance agreement with your provider.

Methods Two: Dropping glue on skin behind the ear:

  • This second method is easier and quicker, as you just need to drop a small amount (drop) of each adhesive, a Level 1 adhesive (sensitive eyes) and a Level 2 adhesive (medium / normal eyes). Drop right behind the client’s ear, on the lower side, as this is a very sensitive area and allow 24 hours to see if any reaction was caused. If you adopt this method and the client has reacted to the stronger Adhesive (Level 2), will show a red reaction around the drop; but not the sensitive adhesive (Level 1), you may still be able to apply eyelash extensions to your client (at your own professional discretion, of course). We would also advise checking the terms of your insurance agreement with your provider.

Your Own Judgment on Doing Eyelash Extensions Patch Test

The eyelash technicians are most of the time taught during Eyelash Extensios Training to do patch test glue on their client’s skin behind ear, but we also advice to do the other method which is applying 2 to 3 lashes on outer corners of the eyes. All eyelash extensions glue are formulated with cyanoacrylate and present irritation to the eyes or skin, even if the glues are high quality and tested to be absolutely safe in the case of accidental skin contact, which most cases happens on wrong application of the eyelash extensions glue due bad techniques which we classify as eyelash extensions misconceptions(Unqualified professionals, cheap work, etc..). Eyelash Extensions Adhesive or Glue are irritant and should never, be used to bond directly to your client’s skin.

Eyelash Extensions Glue manufacturers recommend that you follow a simple patch test procedure to replicate the treatment 48 hours before the full treatment is carried out, as this is too long we adapted to 24 hours.

Important Note: No patch testing can guarantee fully against any sort of allergies as they can develop at any time, even after years of exposure doing Eyelash Extensions. Limiting your client’s exposure to allergies doing the correct patch testing will help, and developing an allergy will be less likely.