Mixed Length Diamond Silk Lash Tray (PEP) for Eyelash Extensions
Our exclusive brand of high quality glossy synthetic silk tray lashes.
This Mixed Length Diamond Silk Lashes by PEP was tested by our team and developed with the latest technology, the curvature is a perfect match to natural lashes, the colour is glossy black perfect for special ocasions or every day use, no need of mascara.
Diamond Silk Lashes are the ultimate product for eyelash Extensions, made with special silk fibber material, with satin gloss finish, give a beaufitul glossy shinny effect of lashes, yet they are lightweight designed for perfect match to the natural lashes.
These Diamond Silk Lashes are designed with the most advanced techniques usin best qualitysilk material, it is more softer than and shinny than mink, yet more flexible than conventional silk lashes. It`s flexibilities give the appearance of a luscious yet soft-to-the-touch feathery texture.
Diamond Silk Lash Features:
Shape and Style of Diamond Silk Lashes Available:
Lash Shape.........: J(A), B, C -curl.
Lash Thickness...: 0.10mm, 0.15mm, 0.20mm, 0.25mm.
Lash Length.........: Mixed Length from 6mm to 14mm.
Lines Quantity......: 16 easy to remove strip lines.
Colour: Glossy Black.
Important Notes:
* Our Mixed Length Diamond Silk Tray Lash by PEP comes in 16 peelable strip lines.
* The glossy back colour makes it ideal for special and everyday use.
* No need for wear mascara on top the the eyelash extensions.
* Pre-aligned and packed in strips, designed for faster use by the therapists.
* Easy to peel, remove and apply.
P.S. We are changing the packaging of the Diamond Lash and during this transition time, you may receive the lashes on old design or new design, this will be on going untill we clean the old stock.
Sizes on length on Mixed Diamond Silk Lash (16 Peelable Strips Lines)
line 1 - 6 mm
line 2 - 6 mm
line 3 - 8 mm
line 4 - 8 mm
line 5 - 10 mm
line 6 - 10 mm
line 7 - 10 mm
line 8 - 10 mm
line 9 - 11 mm
line 10 - 11 mm
line 11 - 12 mm
line 12 - 12 mm
line 13 - 12 mm
line 14 - 13 mm
line 15 - 14 mm
line 16 - 14 mm
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How to use the Diamond Silk Lashes:
1 - With a tweezers pick up one of the lash strip, start from right side in the bottom.2 - Allocate the strip on the side top of your hand, in a comfortable position.3 - Choose the size of lash to start the application.4 - Dip in the individual lash in the adhesive container. 5- Apply the lash one after another, alternating the sides.